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peanut shape- gorgeous back yard with simple peanut shape smooth black curb
create "rooms" of spaces see the far green area invites you to see things from another angle
Really long line needs irregular waves or it looks "snakey" This is nice
Nice deep curves look great
Transition buffer zone lawn to bush
Big bold shapes in a big yard
Islands mounded and not too small
big shapes that have pizzaz
big sweeps with added character
Lightly tinted mower edge- big spaces buffer from bush area
river of grass near parallel lines look best
go around that obstacle!
very nice complementary lines a bit off parallel
"continents" - fit one shape to the other
clean and functional
nice contrast using colour to define
big beds should have big curves
Clean look
easy to maintain new big beds
cool woodgrain
typical front bed area colour goes well with stonework on house
big beds should have big curves
good use of accent colour
adds that finishing touch we circled the whole house to ease the mowing
easy to maintain
gracefully shaped bed areas
nice river of grass
cool woodgrain
stone texture- shapes fit together nicely
clean look
great for mowing
a classic kidney shape
nice little bed
Path keeps gravel in
river of grass flows around the curve. Very nice
Simplicity of mower edge is very attractive and maintenance free. No sealant needed.
You can see us adding on a new feature near the deck
Spectacular!- just needs some to protect the lattic around the base of the deck now
Keeps rock river tidy
Beauty is in the lines you design with our help, not the fanciness or expense of the curb
a nice feature created by bumping the bed out into the yard
Basic mower edge does the job. Who needs stamped curb? Its in the shapes you create, not the fancy colours and textures
simplicity is wonderful
Spectacular!- just needs some to protect the lattice around the base of the deck now
big sweeps with added character note under eave area- usually the grass dies here anyway
Under eave area- how nice!
nice accent in back yard
Wow! variations in the curve are good! here they create an illusion of distance
big beds against bush area
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