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Care for your curb

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Care for your curb

Care information about BEST CURB Concrete edging

Phone:  780-945-6787       

SEALING  (click link to complete information)

Smooth finish curbs do not require sealant, though as with all concrete, it is good to protect against moisture with a quality concrete sealer. Resealing will preserve the finish and colour for years longer. All stamped concrete requires care after the initial coat of sealant which needs to be applied initially and occasionally later as a maintenance item.  Sealant protects the colour/s from wear caused by the sun and moisture. When we install the curb, we use a “cure and seal” product that protects the finish for curing only. It is not possible for anyone to apply a glossy finish until the concrete cures for a week or two minimum, because you cannot put a gloss on wet concrete! Our initial coat of sealer is  a short term primer/ base coat only.

NOTE that our one-day installation system saves you money by eliminating a return trip by us for application of subsequent layers of sealant. It is up to you to build up the second and third layers of sealer after the initial curing period of 2-3 weeks. It is very important that the curb be re-sealed before the winter following installation. We will not guarantee the finish if it is not resealed.     Our curbs LOOK much better with two more coats of sealant applied a couple of weeks after installation! The photos of our curbs on the website are mostly re-sealed curbs or they are pictured with WET sealer to illustrate the gloss that can be achieved.  Just as with wood finishing, the first coat soaks in and a protective gloss needs to be built up later by application of two more coats of sealer .


Use a brush at temperatures about 12-28 degrees Celsius- best in the  afternoon or evening hours on a DRY day with no major precipitation in the previous two days. Use a cheap brush (throw-away) and move quickly. Don’t worry about a bit of dirt or grass, but don’t seal over big globs of debris! Two light coats are preferable to one heavy coat.

Get the sealer at a concrete specialty store (see below) we recommend only petroleum based sealers. Water based sealers are a waste of time because they just don’t last.  You need about a litre for 100 feet of curb per coat.  Low gloss is sometimes called 17 or  20% solids, High gloss is 25% solids. Low gloss sealers bond better than high gloss because they are thinner in consistency and therefore penetrate better. They will also dissolve old acrylic and re-bond it to the surface. IF YOU HAVE EXPOSED AGGREGATE or STAMPED sidewalks /Driveway, use the same methods and products on your curbs as you use on your exposed aggregate or stamped driveway or sidewalks.

How to know when to re-seal:  New Curb must be re-sealed any time after two to three weeks old up to the onset of the first winter.  For older curbs, you can tell sealant is needed when you see speckles where release is coming off the surface, or just a very dull appearance. Sealant breaks down faster with frequent wet/hot cycles.  Sealer can last up to 3 or 4 years depending on the climate.

EDGING (click link to complete information)

IF YOU HAVE A LAWN SERVICE or spring cleanup, have them power edge your curbs at the same time as your driveway and sidewalks.  Alternatively, you can use a hooked knife or weed eater with edging blade.  The idea is to remove debris at the front edge of the curb where it naturally wants to build up, leaving a small gap in the turf, defining and keeping the edge looking great. Please see our website “Care” menu and “FAQ’s” for detailed information about routine turf edging, sealing and other ways you can maximize the lifespan of your curbing.

Where to get sealant:

Unicon Concrete Specialties: 118 ave, 156 st St Edmonton 780-455-3737 www.unicon.ca

National Concrete Accessories 14305-128 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5L 3H3 780-451-1212 www.nca.ca

Con-Spec Industries: 9525-63 Ave  (Argyl Road) Edmonton 780-437-6163 www.conspecindustries.com

Here is a link to this information in PDF format on how to care for your curb
Curb Care PDF

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